October 5

My day

  1. Դիտել տեսանյութը:

get up-արթնանալ I get up at 8 o’clock.

have breakfast-նախաճաշել I have breakfast at 9 o’clock.

brush my teeth-լվանալ ատամներս I brush my teeth.

get dressed-հագնվել I get dressed every day.

take classes-դաս անել I take classes.

do my homework-կատարել տնային առաջադրանքները I do my homework at home.

have dinner-ընթրել I have dinner with my famliy.

take a shower-լողանալ I take a shower in the evening.

go to bed- գնալ քնելու I go to bed.

Պատմիր քո օրվա մասին:

My Day

I get up at 8:00.

I have breakfast at 8:40.

I brush my teeth at 8:45.

I get dressed at 8:50.

I take classes from 9:00 at school.

I do my homework at 15:00.

I have dinner at 19:30.

I take a shower at 21:30.

I go to bed at 22:00.

Լրացուցիչ առաջադրանքներ:

Fill in: he, she, it, we or they.
1. Maria she 4 you and I we 7 woman
2 hat it 5 boy he 8 Tom and I we
3 buses it 6 Carmen and Pedro they 9 frog it

Now write sentences about what you can and can’t do.
1. I can read books.
2 I can sing .
3 I can swim .
4 I can jamp.
5 I cant ride a bike
6 I cant dance.
7 I cant flay .
8 I cant drink a milk

Posted October 5, 2022 by sofabadalyan in category անգլերեն

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